mrbsizeR - Scale Space Multiresolution Analysis of Random Signals
A method for the multiresolution analysis of spatial
fields and images to capture scale-dependent features. mrbsizeR
is based on scale space smoothing and uses differences of
smooths at neighbouring scales for finding features on
different scales. To infer which of the captured features are
credible, Bayesian analysis is used. The scale space
multiresolution analysis has three steps: (1) Bayesian signal
reconstruction. (2) Using differences of smooths,
scale-dependent features of the reconstructed signal can be
found. (3) Posterior credibility analysis of the differences of
smooths created. The method has first been proposed by
Holmstrom, Pasanen, Furrer, Sain (2011)
<DOI:10.1016/j.csda.2011.04.011>. Matlab code is available
under <>.